Get in touch

Need some help or have a question? Check out FAQs page or shoot us a message below:

Mail address

P.O. Box 393, Macedon
VIC Australia. 3440

Contact hours:

9AM – 5PM  MON – FRI


How do I make a booking?

You can use this link to make a booking or feel free to use our contact form to request a booking. We can also help you schedule a booking over the phone.

Where do I have to go for your consultations?

We commonly have Virtual meetings on Google Meet. If you would like a face to face session, then we can arrange this in greater Melbourne areas or Macedon Ranges area in Victoria, Australia

I don’t live in Victoria, can I still access your services?

Yes you absolutely can. Our model to support young people back into their learning is operational virtually.

Book an Initial Consultation

Discover how we can help your child return to school

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